Deakin University
“TransLocATED 移設”

Special Cooperation

24 students from Deakin University in Geelong, Australia, an UNESCO City of Design like Nagoya, stayed and supported this project while conducting their own research exhibition "TransLocATED". Concurrently with their research, the students played a significant role assisting with the setup of "Streaming Heritage | Between Plateau and the Sea",and as staff for the " Electromagnetical Parade in Nagoya Castle " performance on November 24.

Deakin University“TransLocATED 移設”

18th-20th November
The Cotton Building

Deakin University Lecturers: Maria Bates, Lienors Torre

Student Members:
Dimity Atjapan, Tash Anderson, Emily Belcher, Sean Boettger, Anthony Cutri, Jake Ders, Ethan Fox, Aarya Hatkhambkar, Boris Hou, Yu Tong Kua, Lea Long, Ben Loughnane, AJ Madabawita, Ulrika Ortega, Meagan Pires, Lachie Prestipino, Jessica Smithies, Paige Spurrell, Rachel Sutjiamidjaja, Karl Johann Te, Rui Han Teo, Sheldon Wagner, Sophie Williams, Holly Young